Press Release: Signpac invests in the education sector with the launch of School Signs.
Leading innovative display and signage brand, Signpac, has today announced significant investment into the Australian education sector with the launch of a dedicated new division ‘School Signs’.
Signpac has been helping thousands of Australian schools with their display signage needs for over 25 years. The launch of School Signs takes this depth of experience to further enhance Signpac’s commitment to the sector by delivering a service that leverages innovative design thinking, quality and safety.
The sector has faced many challenges over recent times to ensure the safe wellbeing of their students, teachers and support staff. Effective signage plays a vital role in ensuring these safety requirements and school values are not only met, but exceeded.
The cornerstone of School Signs, is a program which is unique to the Australian education sector – School Sign Assure. Schools essentially become customers for life with direct access to a dedicated educational sign specialist at any time. This program is designed to ensure that schools adhere to the national benchmark and benefit as follows:
- Review of Educational Safety & Hygiene Benchmarking
A site visit conducted by an educational sign specialist to ensure a school’s outlay into their signage is future proofed, with safety at the forefront.
- School Sign Gap Analysis
In-depth analysis and advice on the appropriate signage to give a school ‘state of the art’ visibility and safety.
- School Innovation Benchmarking
A review of school signs to ensure they meet the latest national technology and safety standards.
- Education Peer Investments & Recommendations
Ensuring that the signage of a school is on par with educational peers.
Signpac’s investment into a specialised division of School Signs will continue to make school signage and display more efficient with innovation at the forefront.
Larry Weinstein, Signpac’s General Manager stated “From the installation of our first school sign, our dedication to quality products, the safety of students, parents and the local community has been the centrepiece of our innovation and thinking. Every time we design and create a school sign, we continue to innovate and always ensure that the school is seen and safe – this is our purpose.”
GJI Group’s CEO, Mark James added “School Signs provides a service like no other – continuous care, support maintenance and best practice deliverables. We are committed to the very important investment into the Australian education sector. School Signs enables a specialised service for the betterment of Schools, their students and the local communities.”
Learn more about School Signs.
About Signpac
For over 25 years Signpac, an Australian-owned and operated business has provided innovative signage and display services, matched by its national installation and service network to Australia’s primary and secondary schools, public and private plus other institutions including colleges, day care and aged care facilities. Signpac is part of the GJI Group house of brands. GJI Group helps brands Find, Keep and Grow their customers.
Elana van Rensburg
Marketing Specialist
07 3902 7700