Interactive Whiteboards For Local Government

More local government departments are utilising these whiteboards as effective tools for improving communications and interaction. They offer many modern advantages over traditional whiteboards.
• Multimedia presentations including audio and video. Enhanced sound for seamless presentations
• User friendly. Instant plug and play with teacher computers either Windows PC, Mac – easy setup and no drivers are necessary
• Display projects and presentations
• Connect to the internet and utilise tools like Google and YouTube
• High grey scale whiteboard
• Full screen 10 touch multiple point technology – allows concurrent multi-participant interaction
• Very responsive accurate high definition touchscreens
• Energy efficient commercially toughened screen with really sharp images


Getting in Touch

Signpac is Australian owned and operated and has been servicing Australian schools for over 20 years not only with quality, lasting school signage but also providing expert advice and solutions to help school principals enhance teaching and learning environments.


Head Office: 20/45 Leighton Place Hornsby, NSW Australia 2077
Mail: PO Box 1781, Hornsby Westfield NSW 1635
Phone: 1800 140 940
Fax: +61 (02) 9987 4911

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